Bill configuration
To set up bill configuration click Configuration - Bill Configuration. Note that you should have an administrator's access rights to access bill configuration.
If you want to configure your printer, pole or cash driver read How to set up OPOS Drivers for POS Printers, Poles and Cash Drawers
In Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale the layouts of the guest bill can be customized.
To adjust paper size for your bills, please use chars count parameter. It specifies number of chars in one line of paper-bill. You may print test bill and then count how many chars it can print. After that you may enter this number into chars count parameter.
Bill configuration is a bill's template where you can edit bill configuration using template syntax. Using syntax is the most powerful feature of bill configuration. Moreover you can use plain text in bill configuration.
- {$propertyname} - Property name, is a name of a restaurant.
- {$propertyaddress} - Property Address, is a street address of a restaurant.
- {$propertystate} - State, is a state, where a restaurant is situated.
- {$propertyzip} - Property ZIP, is a postal code.
- {$propertycity} - City, is a city where a restaurant is situated.
- {$propertycountry} - Property Country, is a country where a restaurant is situated.
- {$propertyphone} - Property Phone, is a phone number of a restaurant.
- {$propertyfax} - Property Fax, is a fax number of a restaurant.
- {$branchcode} - Branch code.
- {$workstationcode} - Workstations's code.
- {$workstationname} - Workstations's name (it's Windows computer name)..
- {$tableno} - Table code (number), is a code (number) of a table.
- {$orderno} - Order number.
- {$shortno} - Order Short number.
- {$ordertypename} - Order type.
- {$ordertagname} - Order tag.
- {$isrefund} - It returns 1 if it's refund order is and it returns 0 for sales orders.
- {$chitno} - Order chit number.
- {$date} - Date, is a current day, month, year (defined by Windows settings).
- {$time} - Time, is a current time (defined by Windows settings).
- {$orderdate} - Date, is order's day, month, year (defined by Windows settings) when order was started.
- {$ordertime} - Time, is order's time (defined by Windows settings) when order was started.
- {$orderdateclosed} - Date, is order's day, month, year (defined by Windows settings) when order was closed. Empty string will be printed for open orders.
- {$orderduedate} - Order's due date.
- {$orderstatuscode} - Order's status code: 0 - open order, 1 - closed, 2 - reconciled, 3 - z-closed.
- {$orderloyaltypoints} - Loyalty Points added with this order.
- {$totalloyaltypoints} - For open order it's total client's loyalty points before adding order's loyalty points. For closed orders it's actual loyalty points for client.
- {$totalwithorderloyaltypoints} - For open order it's total of loyalty points with added order's loyalty points for given customer. For closed orders it's the same as {$totalloyaltypoints} (it's actual loyalty points for client).
- {$server} - User name (login), is a user name of a current worker.
- {$workerfirstname} - First name of a current worker.
- {$workerlastname} - Last name of a current worker.
- {$serverlogin} - User name (login) of worker who created order.
- {$serverfirstname} - First name of worker who created order.
- {$serverlastname} - Last name of worker who created order.
- {$couverts} - Number of persons (couverts).
- {$address} - Delivery Address.
- {$itemscount} - Number of items in order.
Information about client:
- {$clientfirstname} - First name.
- {$clientlastname} - Last name.
- {$clientphone} - Phone.
- {$clientfax} - Fax.
- {$clientmobile} - Mobile.
- {$clientemail} - Email.
- {$clientstreet1} - Street 1.
- {$clientstreet2} - Street 2.
- {$clientcity} - City.
- {$clientzip} - ZIP.
- {$clientjobtitle} - Job Title.
- {$clientcompany} - Company.
- {$clientnote} - Note.
- {$clienttypename} - Client Type's name.
- {$clienttypecode} - Client Type's code.
- {$clienttypeno} - Client Type's number.
- {$clientaccountbalance} - Client Account's balance.
- {$clientaccountlimit} - Client Account's limit.
- {$clientauthorizedamount} - Client Account's authorized (remaining) amount.
- {$clientcode} - Client Code.
- {$clientbarcode} - Client Barcode.
- {$clientbirthdate} - Client Birth Date.
- {$clientvatid} - Client VAT ID.
- {$clientterm} - Client term (days).
Information about waitress serving an order:
- {$waitressfirstname} - First name.
- {$waitresslastname} - Last name.
- {$waitresslogin} - Login (user name).
- {$waitressno} - Waitress's internal number (code).
- {$discname} - Discount name.
- {$discrate} - Discount rate.
- {$disctotal} - Discount total value.
- {$surchargetotal} - An opposite value to {$disctotal} value.
- {$taxname} - Tax name.
- {$taxrate} - Tax rate.
- {$taxestotal} - Taxes total. This parameter shows total of all taxes
- {$tipsname} - Tips name.
- {$tipsrate} - Tips rate.
- {$tipstotal} - Tips total value.
- {$partscount} - This parameter is used in Divide Order action. If an order was not divided then this parameter has value: 1. So line contained {$partscount} will be removed.
- {$subtotal} - Sub total, is a total price of the menu items.
- {$totalnet} - Sub total, is a total price of the menu items without taxes and tips.
- {$totalnet%15} - It will be 15% of {$totalnet}. Any number maybe used instead of 15. This parameter maybe use for printing tip suggestion.
- {$total} - Total price, includes taxes and tips.
- {$total2} - Total in second currency. On menu Configuration - Property Settings - General you may define Second Currency Sign and Second Currency Rate. {$total2} will be calculated by using the formula: {$total2} = Second Currency Rate * {$total}
- {$totalen} - For example, total: 150.50 will be displayed as English text: one hundred fifty, 50. Right now this field may be used only with invoice templates.
- {$totales} - Total will be displayed in Spanish words. For example, 181.20 will be printed as Ciento ochenta y un con 20 centavos. It's a good idea to put this tag at the beginning of the bill's line to avoid wrapping issues.
- {$totalar} - Total will be displated in Arabic words.
- {$taxabletotal}, {$taxabletotal2}, {$taxabletotal3} and {$taxabletotal4} - are taxable amounts (bases) for corresponding taxes.
- {$nettaxabletotal}, {$nettaxabletotal2}, {$nettaxabletotal3} and {$nettaxabletotal4} - are taxable amounts (bases) for corresponding taxes but without any taxes inside. It's useful for tax included calculation method.
- {$payment} - Information about payment methods (cash, credit card, check etc).
- {$paymentnames} - This parameter displays only payment names without additional information like Change or card information.
- {$paymentcount} - it shows number of payments for order.
The following fields are only available for invoice templates (in current version of the program):
- {$itemno} - Display sequential item number as it's displayed on invoice. For example, for first item printed on invoice will show 1, for second item it will show 2 and so on.
- {$itemcode} - Item's code.
- {$itemname} - Item's name.
- {$itemaltname} - Item's alternative name.
- {$itemqty} - Item's quantity.
- {$itemprice} - Item's price.
- {$itemprice2} - Item's price in second currency.
- {$itempricei} - Item's integer part of price.
- {$itempricef} - Item's fractional part (cents) of price.
- {$itemtotal} - Item's total.
- {$itemtotali} - Item's total integer part.
- {$itemtotalf} - Item's total fractional part (cents).
- {$itemtotal2} - Item's total in second currency.
- {$itemnote} - Item's note.
- {$itemnotes} - Item's notes.
- {$itemrecipe} - Item's receipt.
- {$itemcfield1} - {$itemcfield1} - Item's custom fields.
To customize item categories it's possible to use {$itemcats}{$/itemcats} parameters. And inside it's possible to use:
Additional settings:
Show Property logo - this feature allows to show restaurant's logo in bill. Check the show property logo box if you wish to include restaurant's logo in bill. Uncheck the box if you wish to exclude restaurant's logo from bill.
Calc Qty for Categories - by default ARPOS calculates number of items for category. If you want to calculate quantity of items for category check ON this parameter.
See also: