Workers configuration
To set up workers configuration click Configuration - Workers. Note that you should have an administrator's access rights to access workers configuration.
Each worker in Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale has its own worker's profile which helps to identify it. Each worker's profile has it's own user name (login) and password to access to Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale and its own access rights.
Choose the worker from the list and click Edit button to access to the worker's profile. If you wish to add a new worker to the list of all workers, click Add button of use Insert key on your keyboard. To delete a worker from the list, first of all choose that worker and then click Delete button or use Delete key on your keyboard.
Worker's profile parameters:
- Name is a real name of a worker, for example "Andrew".
- Surname is a real surname of a worker, for example "Donalds".
- Phone is a phone number of a worker, for example "+1999555333".
- Street and Street1 is a street address of a worker, for example "Down Highway, 14".
- ZIP is a postal code, for example "63494".
- City is a city where worker lives, for example "New York".
- State is a state, where worker lives, for USA only.
- Country is a country where worker lives, for example "United States".
- Login is a login name (user name) of a worker, needed for identification of a worker in Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale. Also it needed for login to the system. For example "A. Donalds".
- Password is a password of a worker, used with login to access to Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale. For example "63494".
- Note is a small description of a worker, for example "25 years old, identification number: 129, etc"
- Is admin? is a option feature which gives to worker additional access rights. To turn on admin features for the worker check Is admin box, to turn off admin features for the worker uncheck Is admin box. For more information see worker's access rights section.
See also: