I'm selling crepes and I want to show the menu items and Qty in the tickets printed. What type of syntaxis I must to use to do that in the bill configuration?
I've seen the syntaxis list but there isn't the correct instruction.
I've marked the "show menu items" option in the parameter section but nothing.
Can you help me?
Thank you
<propertyname> - Property name, is a name of a restaurant.
<propertyaddress> - Property Address, is a street address of a restaurant.
<propertystate> - State, is a state, where a restaurant is situated.
<propertyzip> - Property ZIP, is a postal code.
<propertycity> - City, is a city where a restaurant is situated.
<propertycountry> - Property Country, is a country where a restaurant is situated.
<propertyphone> - Property Phone, is a phone number of a restaurant.
<propertyfax> - Property Fax, is a fax number of a restaurant.
<tableno> - Table code (number), is a code (number) of a table.
<orderno> - Order number.
<chitno> - Order chit number.
<date> - Date, is a current day, month, year (defined by Windows settings).
<time> - Time, is a current time (defined by Windows settings).
<orderdate> - Date, is order's day, month, year (defined by Windows settings) when order was started.
<ordertime> - Time, is order's time (defined by Windows settings) when order was started.
<orderdateclosed> - Date, is order's day, month, year (defined by Windows settings) when order was closed. Empty string will be printed for open orders.
<ordertimeclosed> - Time, is order's time (defined by Windows settings) when order was closed. Empty string will be printed for open orders.
<server> - User name (login), is a user name of a current worker.
<couverts> - Number of persons (couverts).
<address> - Delivery Address.
<itemscount> - Number of items in order.
Information about client:
<clientfirstname> - First name.
<clientlastname> - Last name.
<clientphone> - Phone.
<clientfax> - Fax.
<clientmobile> - Mobile.
<clientemail> - Email.
<clientstreet1> - Street 1.
<clientstreet2> - Street 2.
<clientcity> - City.
<clientzip> - ZIP.
<clientjobtitle> - Job Title.
<clientcompany> - Company.
<clientnote> - Note.
Information about waitress serving an order:
<waitressfirstname> - First name.
<waitresslastname> - Last name.
<waitresslogin> - Login (user name).
<waitressno> - Waitress's internal number (code).
<discname> - Discount name.
<discrate> - Discount rate.
<disctotal> - Discount total value.
<taxname> - Tax name.
<taxrate> - Tax rate.
<tipsname> - Tips name.
<tipsrate> - Tips rate.
<tipstotal> - Tips total value.
<partscount> - This parameter is used in Divide Order action. If an order was not divided then this parameter has value: 1. So line contained <partscount> will be removed.
<totalnet> - Sub total, is a total price of the menu items without tax and tips.
<total> - Total price, includes tax and tips.
<payment> - Information about payment methods (cash, credit card, check etc).
Additional settin
Bill Configuration: menu items
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sun May 10, 2015 6:18 am
Re: Bill Configuration: menu items
How to show the "Menu item Note" under the Bill configuration?
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Re: Bill Configuration: menu items
Go to menu Configuration - Bill Configuration - Parameters.
Check Show Note option.
(We made it available for notification printers, but it's probably enabled for bill printer too, if it's not available, we may enable it).
Check Show Note option.
(We made it available for notification printers, but it's probably enabled for bill printer too, if it's not available, we may enable it).
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sun May 10, 2015 6:18 am
Re: Bill Configuration: menu items
I went to menu Configuration - Bill Configuration - Parameters.
I did check the "Show Note for items" option over there.
But it didn't show the notes on the bill.
I also try
Use alternative printing module and
Use HTML printing module
Please help. Could you please let me know how to enable it.
Really need the note print out on the bill.
Thanks again,
I did check the "Show Note for items" option over there.
But it didn't show the notes on the bill.
I also try
Use alternative printing module and
Use HTML printing module
Please help. Could you please let me know how to enable it.
Really need the note print out on the bill.
Thanks again,