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Cyclic Replace Help

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:51 pm
by cplapp
I am trying to replace a common set of characters that exist in thousands of text files with the actual name of the text file, minus the .txt extension.

For example, this hyperlink exists in every text file:

<a href="<name>.pdf" target="_blank">Teacher's Guide</a>

I want to replace "<name>" with the actual name of the text file.

Text files are named: 1_1001_01.txt, 1_1001_02.txt, 1_1002.txt and so on.

I would like to replace <name> so that the result will be "1_1001_01.pdf in the link above.

I have tried creating a plain text file with all the file names listed and using the Cyclic replace, but everything is replace with only the first line of the text file I am reading in.

Any help would be much appreciated. This is a fabulous program you have here.