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Getting started

Welcome to using Abacre Backup!

This Quick Start Guide is intended to help you get started with Abacre Backup. If you don't like reading manuals, or don't want to use all features of Abacre Backup, or just want to give Abacre Backup a test run, this is a good place to start.

Here you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to use Abacre Backup to achieve a simple (and, probably, most common) goal: how to backup important files on any devise and protect data from any computer failure. After you have performed the steps described below, you will be able to backup important files on any devise and protect data from any computer failure less than one minute without using all features of Abacre Backup.

Step-by-step using:

Backup procedure:

1. First of all you need to create a new profile. Click Profile -> New profile or simply click New profile button on toolbar.

2. New profile type window will appear. Now define profile name then choose Backup option and click Next button.

3. Source files window will appear. Click Add button and select backup directory, after selecting click Ok button. Selected directory will appear in the backup list. You can select more than one directory to backup by clicking Add button, also you can remove directory from the list by selecting it and clicking Remove button.
After adding directories you need to backup to the list, click Next button.

4. Destination files window will appear. Now you need to define a path where backup files will be stored.
4.1 First of all choose location where to save your backup files. It can be file system, for example drive D: on your computer, or FTP server.
4.2 If you have chosen file system as a location, you need to define a full path where backup files will be stored by clicking Browse button. If you have chosen FTP server as a location, you need to define your FTP server's host, user name, user password, port (by default: 21) and a path where backup files will be stored.
Click Next button to proceed.

5. File types window will appear. Click Add button, enter file mask and choose file type option. For example if you need to include to your backup archive files only with *.exe extension, in mask box enter *.exe and choose include option. If you don't need to include files to your backup archive with *.ini extension, in mask box enter *.ini and choose exclude option. If you need to include all files to your backup archive, enter *.* in the mask box and choose include option.
Click Next button to proceed.

6. That's all! Click Finish button to add profile. Now you can start backup process by selecting your added profile from the list of all existing profiles and clicking Profile -> Execute profile or clicking Execute button on toolbar.

Restore procedure:

1. First of all you need to create a new profile. Click Profile -> New profile or simply click New profile button on toolbar.

2. New profile type window will appear. Now define profile name then choose Restore option and click Next button.

3. Source files window will appear. Now you need to define a path where your backup files were stored. It can be File system (fixed or removable drives on your computer) or FTP site (Note: to access FTP site you need to know it's host, user name, password).
Click Next button to proceed.

4. Schedule window will appear. Click here for more information about scheduling.
Click Next button to proceed.

5. Destination path window will appear. Click Browse button and choose a folder where restored files will be stored. Click Next button to finish creating Restore profile.

6. That's all! Now you can start backup process by selecting your added profile from the list of all existing profiles and clicking Profile -> Execute profile or clicking Execute button on toolbar.

See also:

Creating new backup profiles | Creating new restore profiles | Executing profiles | Scheduling