Z-Out Cash Drawer and End of Day reports templates
This page contains description of parameters which may be used in the templates of the following reports:
- Z-Out Cash Drawer
- Z-Out Property Close (End of Day)
The following parameters may be used:
- {$reportno} - report's number.
- {$subtotal} - subtotal of all orders.
- {$subtotalrefunds} - subtotal of refund orders.
- {$subtotalsales} - subtotal of sales orders.
- {$total} - total of all orders.
- {$totalrefunds} - total of refund orders.
- {$totalsales} - total of sales orders.
- {$orderscount} - total number of all orders.
- {$orderscountrefunds} - total number of refund orders.
- {$orderscountsales} - total number of sales orders.
- {$clientscount} - number of clients.
- {$firstorderno} - first order number.
- {$lastorderno} - last order number.
- {$disctotal} - total discount.
- {$taxabletotal}, {$taxabletotal2}, {$taxabletotal3}, {$taxabletotal4}, {$taxabletotal5} - taxable bases for corresponding taxes.
- {$taxtotal}, {$taxtotal2}, {$taxtotal3}, {$taxtotal4}, {$taxtotal5} - total taxes.
It's possible to list all sold items using the parameters:
{items} ... {$/items}
Inside it's possible to use:
- {$itemcode} - item's code.
- {$itemname} - item's name.
- {$itemqty} - item's quantity.
- {$itemprice} - item's price.
- {$itemtotal} - item's total.
Categories may be printed with {$itemcats} ... {$/itemcats} having the parameters inside:
- {$itemcatname} - category's name.
- {$itemcatcode} - category's code.
- {$itemcatqty} - category's qty.
- {$itemcattotal} - category's total.
It's also possible to use payment table:
- {$payments} ... {$/payments} - start and end of payments lines.
- {$paymentname} - payment's name (media name).
- {$paymentnet} - net payment.
See also: