Image menu commands:


Add frames: Opens the ‘Open' dialog window prompting you for a name and location of the graphic file to be added as a frame to your animated GIF.

The Toolbar button equivalent is image\IMG00038.gif. More…


Duplicate: Creates a copy of the selected frame and places it next to the original one.

The Toolbar button equivalent is image\IMG00040.gif.

Delete frames: Removes the selected frame from your animated GIF.

The Toolbar button equivalent is image\IMG00041.gif.

Select All (CTR+A): Selects all frames in your animated GIF.


Cut (Ctr+X): Copies into clipboard and removes the selected frame from your animated GIF.

The Toolbar button equivalent is image\IMG00042.gif.

Copy (Ctr+C): Copies the selected frame into clipboard.

The Toolbar button equivalent is image\IMG00043.gif.

Paste (Ctrl+V): Pastes as a new frame in your animated GIF the previously selected and copied frame or any image previously copied into clipboard.

The Toolbar button equivalent is image\IMG00044.gif. More…


Move frame up (Ctrl+U): Moves the selected frame one frame up.

You can also do it by dragging and dropping the selected frame.


Move frame down (Ctrl+D): Moves the selected frame one frame down.

You can also do it by dragging and dropping the selected frame.