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Access DB Converted to SQL

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:56 am
by Nitrofish
I am wondering if anyone has converted the Access DB that comes with this program to an SQL DB?

It's my opinion that the Access db is too slow and becomes bloated really fast. There are reports for year to date but there is no way you can keep a years worth of data in there without seriously impacting the performance of the software.

I have deleted orders to keep only the current month in the Access db, compacted and repaired to make the db as small as possible, but still find it to be running slow when entering orders, printing, etc. The smallest I have been able to make the db is 85mb with the current month of orders and of course all of our items, inventory, etc

I know the Access db can be converted, but can the program connect to a SQL server or just a file based DB?

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Re: Access DB Converted to SQL

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:47 am
by Abacre
We removed your poll questions. Because we don't allow polls in the forum for various reasons. Only few users visit the forum therefore the poll would not be very representative. We would better submit web-based survey using individual email questions.

Now answering on your questions:
Right now you can use only MS Access. You cannot use MS SQL Server now.
But we are planning to enable support of MS SQL Server in future.
Now we don't use stored procedures or other specific functions. We only use standard ANSI SQL with few dialects of Access. Therefore the transition into MS SQL Server will be fast. In ARPOS we have all components prepared for that. But, anyway, we need to do few small adjustments in order to enable support of MS SQL Server.
Now we have many tasks with a higher priority. MS Access works fine for most of our customers. So now we will concentrate on features with a higher priority. And later we will make it compatible with MS SQL Server. It's an inevitable step anyway.
BTW we are planning to make support of other free database managements systems like Firebird.